Sunday, August 19, 2018


Class of 2018 and 2017 organized a session with Skipper Zack in knowing more about Aviation Badges. It was conducted overnight with the help of Brunei Muara District Scout Association and already the evening session was a great wealth of knowledge. After having some pizza in Margerita, the troop moved to class to learn Air Spotter and Meteorology. 

New technologies were introduce in aviation such as Electric Trainer Aircraft. With zero fuel and quiet to fly around residential areas, its becoming popular among flying schools.

A new category learnt such as LSA or Light Sport Aircarft that can be privately owned and flown. Videos of new LSA design shows that these small aircraft are comfortable, fuel efficient, beautiful and packed with latest technologies. Learning new developments in aircraft piston engine as well as latest Super Turbine by Pratt and Whitney. 

The next morning is back to basics. Airmanship badge requirements and quizzes after class. Last was basic marshaling badge. Some of these badges requires access to airfields so they can complete their logbook and achieve the badge.
Image result for flight radar app

Using certain mobile app such as flight tracker, Flight Aware, Aero Weather and Flight Sim is now a requirement for aviation enthusiast scouts. 

Lastly there was a video documentary by Air Rover Riduan who went for Air Experience Flying in Sabah Flying Club. The video showed that a lot of preparation had to be done before flight, ground handling, real flight controls, landing procedures and things you have to do after flight. 

Conclusion, it was a great way to see if students understands about badges to get, how and when to get them. Its also a good update for everyone on skills and Skipper Zack can update his teaching materials to suite current needs.   

Sunday, July 1, 2018


 As air scouts, exposure to real aircraft and talking to aviators must be done as much as possible. One of the ways to do this is by visiting the Royal Brunei Arm Forces events. The troop was invited to RBAF 57th Anniversary in Penanjong Garrison. The experience was exhilarating. The air show was super. Seeing helicopters hovering so close, static displays and being introduced to real pilots and flight crews is always a real treat. 

Monday, June 18, 2018


After visiting the Royal Palace, our troop made itsway to the Air Force Generals' House. Brigadier General (U) Dato Seri Pahlawan Shahril Anwar bin Haji Ma’awiah, has been a great supporter of SOAS College Air Scouts and invites the troop for Raya Open House. It was a great honor to meet with such a distinguished aviator, where the students talked about career paths and casual matters. The visit ended with salam raya and a quick photo session.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Every 3rd day of Syawal, scouts from all over the country comes to the greet Hari Raya to His Majesty the Sultan and the Royal Family. At 7am everyone would queue to go into the Royal Palace or Istana and meet up with other troops. Banquet breakfast and meeting other uniform bodies was a treat by itself. For new scouts, this was a first time being inside the palace and meeting other friends from various youth uniform organizations. After the food, at 10am everyone was ushered by officials to meet the King and the Royal Family. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Salam Ramadan Al-Kareem Everyone! We tradition of Sungkai and Terawih comes again on Sunday 3rd June 2018. Meet up at Burger King BSB and then Terawih prayers at SOAS Mosque. This is the time where we meet and greet everyone during the Ramadan holidays and pray together in the evening of Ramadan with the Holy Terawih prayers. Spirituality is one of the key aspects in scouting. We just leave it to the patrol leaders and the scouts voted for Burger King. Its also easy to walk to SOAS Mosque for the prayers. This is their way and the right way!

Friday, June 1, 2018


During the Ramadhan Holidays, one of our troop members joins the Program Asuhan Kerohanian or Spiritual Enhancement Program. Adam Waie who just join the troop this year, joined the program with other scouts from all over the country. This program is one of the under the global scout movement, Messenger of Peace (MOP).
It is a yearly event where PPNBD organised a spiritual activities in conjunction of the Holy month of Ramadhan. It was created to awareness and understanding about true Islamic teachings so that scouts can be better and responsible Muslims. The teachings are also put into practice in the Holy month of Ramadhan.

Sunday, March 25, 2018



This year a special training was organized and conducted by Brunei Muara District to teach all necessary basics to new members. This way all will have a common understanding and it will save time for school troops to train and conduct investiture ceremony all at once. It was also a chance for all new members to camp with other troops and start feeling the "scoutism". Its also a time where they are introduced to how scouts are organized and relate to what they have been learning at school.

A bonus was Earth Hour was conducted during the camp nights. Everyone contributed to the theme and it was the talk of the town when it was on social media. 

At the end of the camp was the investiture Ceremony for all 150 new scouts. It was exciting and an eye-opener to the world of scouts. Everyone glad to be apart of the camp and the largest youth association of the world!

Saturday, February 17, 2018


New members from SOAS Air Scouts attended the 2nd Rover Gathering 2018 which was filled by presentations and networking with local and regional rover representatives. Although rovers are scouts who are 18 years above, but this was an opportunity to see what happens to scouting life after school. Rovers Crews exists in local college and universities. They don't need scout leaders to tell them what to and they are free to organize activities and visits themselves. They also assist in schools and scout activities as adult helpers.

During the gathering, our troop had the opportunity to make new friends which they will meet again during invitations to Miri and Limbang. Also They will be coming to Brunei again during the 2018 Rover Moot 100 Years. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Welcome New Boys!

The beginning of the year is considered as the "new members signup" season. It usually takes week 3-4 to start campaigning for new members as school matters are just settling in. This year we have new friends from year 8 and already they have started some activities such as registrations, making uniforms and learning first parts of the Scout Promise and Law. There will be lots of things lining up for 2018. One of which is 100 Years Rover Gathering which will be in December.  For this year the new line ups are,

Air Boy Scouts
1. Adam Waie Azmi             YR8A
2. Brian Sim Qing Wei          YR8E
3. Affandy Mahathir Salim    YR8E
4. Dzulhusnee Shamsol        YR8E
5. Md Wafiy Awg Sulaiman   YR8F
6. Azlan Jalaldeen
7. Faiq Sahari
8. Qassyful Zehni
9. Arif Alizan
10.Amirul Taufiq Haji Rosman
11. Naufal

12. Muhamamd Hakimi Md. Baharin Shah
13. Adam Danial Zahrin 
14. Rauf bin Rosli (attached)

Air Venture Scouts 
1. Zulfadhli              YR10 AdvB
2. Ren Harrith          YR10 AdvA
3. Abdul Alim           YR10 AdvA
4. Umair Wafri         YR10 AdvA
5. Harrizz Saufi        YR10 AdvB
6. Zarif                    BTEC2