Sunday, April 27, 2014


Dato Paduka Idris, who is our President and distinguished guest, inaugurated a Kite Fest for Scouts and friends of scouting. The event took place in Tungku Beach where many turned up and crowded by beach go-ers. The event is the first of its kind and it was part of the many innovations scout leaders have made for modern-day scouting activities. 
The highlight of the event is the largest kite ever made by scout members and was launched by the President of Brunei Scout Association himself.
Skipper Rakub who supervises the making of the large kite made the event possible. In conclusion, the event was a huge success and scouts all over the country look forward to next years kite fest.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: As part of the government's efforts towards familiarising all levels of society with the upcoming Syariah Law, the Brunei Darussalam Scouts Association (BDSA) recently hosted government officers who have been tasked to disseminate information related to the implementation.
More than 200 scout members comprising Scout Commissioners, Scout leaders, Rover Scout, Venture Scout, Junior Scout, Sea Scout, Air Scout as well as Scout officers attended the briefing that was held at the Scout's headquarters in Gadong.

In attendance as well were the BDSA Vice President, Pengiran Abdul Wahab bin Pengiran Hassan and the association's Chief Commissioner, Haji Awg Badar bin Haji Awg Ali.
Following the briefing, the panel that included officers from various departments also held a question-and-answer session.

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